UPSC Full Form
UPSC or the UNION PUBLIC SERVICE COMMISSION also known as the Sangh Lok Sewa Aayog in Hindi.
UPSC History
Civil Servants for the East India Company used to be nominated by the Directors
of the Company and thereafter trained at Haileybury College in London and then sent to
India. Following Lord Macaulay’s Report of the Select Committee of British Parliament,
the concept of a merit based modern Civil Service in India was introduced in 1854. A Civil Service Commission was
setup in 1854 in London and competitive examinations were started in 1855. Initially,
the examinations for Indian Civil Service were conducted only in London.
From 1922 onwards the Indian Civil Service Examination began to be held in India also, first in Allahabad and later in
Delhi with the setting up of the Federal Public Service Commission. The Examination in
London continued to be conducted by the Civil Service Commission.
With the passing of the Indian Act 1919, the Imperial Services headed by the Secretary of State for India, were split into two-All India Services and Central Services. The central services were concerned with matters under the direct control of the Central Government. Apart from the Central Secretariat, the more important of these services were the Railway Services, the Indian Posts and Telegraph Service, and the Imperial Customs Service. To some of these, the Secretary of State used to make appointments, but in the great majority of cases their members were appointed and controlled by the Government of India.
The origin of the Public Service Commission in India is found in the First Dispatch of the Government of India on the Indian Constitutional Reforms on the 5th March, 1919 which referred to the need for setting up some permanent office charged with the regulation of service matters.
Subsequent to the provisions of Section 96(C) of the Government of India Act, 1919 and the strong recommendations made by the Lee Commission in 1924 for the early establishment of a Public Service Commission, it was on October 1, 1926 that the Public Service Commission was set up in India for the first time. It consisted of four Members in addition to the Chairman. Sir Ross Barker, a member of the Home Civil Service of the United Kingdom was the first Chairman of the Commission. The functions of the Public Service Commission were not laid down in the Government of India Act, 1919, but were regulated by the Public Service Commission (Functions) Rules, 1926 framed under sub-section.
Read more on the History of UPSC
UPSC Functions
Under Article 320 of the Constitution of India, the Commission is, inter-alia, required to be consulted on all matters relating to recruitment to civil services and posts. The functions of the Commission under Article 320 of the Constitution are:
- Conduct examinations for appointment to the services of the Union.
- Direct recruitment by selection through interviews.
- Appointment of officers on promotion / deputation / absorption.
- Framing and amendment of Recruitment Rules for various services and posts under the Government.
- Disciplinary cases relating to different Civil Services.
- Advising the Government on any matter referred to the Commission by the President of India.
UPSC Exams
Following is the list of exams that UPSC or the Union Public Service Commission conducts. Examination Notices of all the 13 Structured examinations are uploaded on the Commission’s website around 3 months before the date of examination. Examination Notices (indicative) are also published in the Employment News/Rozgar Samachar. Candidates can apply online for the UPSC Examinations by accessing the online portal hosted on the UPSC’s website (
- Civil Services Examination (CSE)
- Engineering Services Examination (ESE).
- Indian Forestry Services Examination (IFoS).
- Central Armed Police Forces Examination (CAPF).
- Indian Economic Service and Indian Statistical Service (IES/ISS).
- Combined Geo-Scientist and Geologist Examination.
- Combined Medical Services (CMS).
- Special Class Railway Apprentices Exam (SCRA).
- Limited Departmental Competitive Examination for selection of Assistant Commandant. (Executive) in CISF.
- National Defence Academy & Naval Academy Examination – NDA & NA (I).
- National Defence Academy & Naval Academy Examination – NDA & NA (II).
- Combined Defense Services Exam – CDS (I).
- Combined Defense Services Exam – CDS (II).