Get free study material and notes for preparation of Civil Services exam. Civil Service India has tied up with some IAS trainers and subject experts for the preparation of notes for IAS exam just for you. Listed below are some online study materials that you can use for your preparation. We hope this online preparation will extend offline and you must make notes of your own from the reading material provided to you from this website. Our free Civil Services study materials consist of comprehensive study notes on subjects like General Studies, Management, History, Law, Sociology and Biotechnology. The History study material is useful for some of your general studies and interview parts as well. Apart from this, in order to strengthen your preparations we have study materials like online e magazine and online tests that comes with a minimal cost.
You can now avail notes in PDF format for your prelims and mains preparation. These notes are prepared by our experts and UPSC aspirants. Remember that only 3 downloads of these upsc notes pdf will be allowed upon subscription, so do not forget to save these UPSC PDF notes into your system once you subscribe. All the best for your IAS studies! Register now! Once registered, login for UPSC pdf notes.
Students can avail notes in PDF format for prelims and mains preparation. These notes are prepared by our experts and UPSC aspirants. Remember that only 3 downloads will be allowed upon subscription, so do not forget to save these PDF notes into your system once you subscribe. All the best for your civil service exams.
In order to strengthen your preparations we have study materials for you like online e magazine and online tests that comes with a minimal cost.