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UPSC Question Papers for IAS exam

Why solving previous year UPSC question papers are very important?

Practice makes a man perfect; it is true that a student with proper practice can excel in any kind of exam. Practicing previous year question papers is very important for preparation, as these papers are the most reliable and dependable source of information for students writing both prelims and main examination. A student should never neglect the importance of previous year question papers and sample papers.

Prelims Question Paper 2023

The prelims exam held by May 28th 2023

Prelims Question Paper 2022

The prelims exam held by June 5th 2022

UPSC Question Paper 2021

The prelims exam held by UPSC are listed as follows. These papers will help you understand the pattern and toughness of this exam.

UPSC Question Paper 2020

The prelims exam held by UPSC are listed as follows. These papers will help you understand the pattern and toughness of this exam.

UPSC Question Paper 2019

The prelims exam held by UPSC are listed as follows. These papers will help you understand the pattern and toughness of this exam.

How old IAS question papers help students?

Solving question papers offer the students an elaborate understanding about their skills, like self-evaluation about their speed and time management. Students understand and learn the lesser things which might be the odds in a civil service examination. By solving these papers, students also realize the familiarity in sample papers. So, students can really understand what not to ignore and which to select.

Moreover, solving these papers also helps them in revision. It is always advisable to solve these papers when students have completely done with their preparations. In the end, students can evaluate their own performance and work on their shortcomings. They can notice that many of the questions are reshaped or rephrased in the exams. Students must read the questions carefully in the exam and can see how helpful it has been.

It is always better for the students to self-evaluate their performance and gauge their understanding of the concepts. So, students must go ahead and solve sample papers and Civil Service Examination – both prelims and main- previous year question papers if they really desire to succeed in the civil service exam.

Online tests based on the UPSC question paper

Civil Service India brings you the online tests at a minimal cost for practicing for the Prelims exam. We have model question papers in the online test for your practice. These includes solved question of the previous years as well as the current ones. Our online test can be accessed after registration and making online payment. The objective of the online test is to make you qualify the Prelims exam which can be done only through practice and more practice. So if you like to succeed in the IAS exam you must register and pay for the online test offered by Civil Service India.

We have online tests for your practice of Civil Service exam. We have Prelims model question papers for your practice. These includes solved question of the previous years. We have incorporated them in the online tests. Our online test is available at a minimal cost. So please register and pay to access our online test. Remember practice and practice alone can help you succeed in the IAS exam.

Current affairs IAS Questions

We have carry current affairs questions almost daily which are like Civil Service Prelims solved question papers. These question papers keep you updated with General studies topics for the mains too by giving a deeper understanding of changing events. You may find many of these in the upsc prelims question paper 2019.

IAS Academy Bangalore

Model Question Booklets for Mains Examination


UPSC Question Papers for IAS Exam

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Civil Service Exam Question Papers for all Subjects

Actual Civil service exam question papers, model question papers and solved papers set by UPSC.

Other UPSC exam Question Papers

Looking into other exams questions papers set by UPSC is important, as you can see other probable questions that may be asked in the civil service exams. All the following Upsc exam papers will be added soon.